Port Denarau Marina is an International Level 3 Clean Marina and an International Fish Friendly Marina. We were independently audited with the audit being valid through to May 2023.More
Environment @ Port Denarau Marina
At Port Denarau Marina we understand our intrinsic link to the natural environment and experience first hand the changes in water levels and the increased intensity of tropical cyclones as a result of Global Warming. Our goal is to ensure that we and our customers make as minimal an impact as possible on our natural environment and do so through the following areas:
Port Denarau Marina Launches New Uniforms

Port Denarau Marina Ltd unveiled their new uniform design in February this year. The design is to raise awareness of marine plastic pollution and champion our pledge to becoming a Plastic Free Marina by 2025.
The uniform was designed by the very talented local renowned designer, Sonam Sapra. The print itself represents modern Fiji. In a fast paced and ever changing market, the new design is focused on implementing modern, practical and environmentally conscious uniforms. The print itself is a mixture of Fijian motifs, foliage & elements that pay tribute to the marina & boating lifestyle.
Crafted with the environment in mind, the initial pieces that were debuted at the Monaco Yacht Show in September 2019 were made from recycled material.
Motiram threaded the same material for most of the Marina uniforms in our new release. The marina is looking at alternative materials to include in their future designs to emphasize our dedication to minimising our environmental impact.
At the Marine 19 Conference & Exhibition held at Gold Coast, Australia in 2019, the Marina was inducted in the Hall of Fame and in the same event Port Denarau Marina pledged to go plastic free by 2025. The marina achieved Level 3 Clean Marina as well as Fish Friendly accreditation in May 2017 and are working on reaccreditation this year. The Clean Marina Program is a voluntary accreditation program for Marina’s, Yacht Clubs, boat clubs, slipways, boatyards and associated industry operators which emphasizes environmental and managerial best management practices that surpasses regulatory requirement. The Clean Marina Program is beneficial to us as it is an effective tool in maintaining and promoting environmental responsibility; with the end result being cleaner water, clean air and thriving marina businesses.
“Bright cool colours such as what has been adopted in our new design helps increase confidence in the workplace and further boosts morale, it’s given an opportunity to create excitement with our team and clients about our business’ purpose and culture.” – Cynthia Rasch, CEO
The new uniform design has been received positively by the team, who were involved in the design process, with many receiving guest compliments since its release.

The Odyssey Arrives At Port Denarau
A mission to educate communities worldwide on the fight against plastic waste has drawn the Odyssey Race for Water vessel to Fiji.
The Odyssey, a unique shaped catamaran, left Lorient, northwestern France, in April 2017 for a five-year expedition around the world in order to propose, on one hand, solutions for the preservation of the oceans against plastic pollution.
The other purpose is to promote the energy transition from the use of fossil fuels to clean renewable forms of energy as exemplified by Race for Water, which sails exclusively through a solar-hydrogen-kite hybrid propulsion.
Port Denarau Limited general manager Cynthia Rasch said Race for Water, ambassador, The Odyssey Race for Water 2017-2021 arrived in the country on December 21 and will remain until January 19, 2019.
“The Odyssey has chosen Port Denarau Marina as its official marina during their Fiji stopover,” she said.
“Indeed, as at each of their stopovers, they plan to organise in Fiji with local partners a press conference (with local authorities on board), school tours with a special Ocean Preservation exhibition, general public conferences to discuss local issues and think about the implementation of solutions such as the plastic energy project they propose.”
At each stopover, the Race for Water Foundation develops local actions according to the three pillars of its Learn/Share/Act programme:
- Learn: Contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge about water pollution by plastics;
- Share: Alert decision-makers, raise public awareness and educate younger generations; and
- Act: Promote and implement solutions for converting plastic waste into energy by ensuring sustainable economic, environmental and social impacts.
About the vessel
In 2010, Swiss entrepreneur Marco Simeoni established the Foundation in Lausanne and devoted all his entrepreneurial spirit for the benefit of the oceans.
With his passion for the sea, he decided in 2015 to launch a scientific and environmental expedition, the Race for Water Odyssey, to make the first one-swoop global assessment of our ocean’s plastic pollution.
Since April 2017, Race for Water has embarked on a second oceanic tour aiming to provide concrete, technology-based solutions for the preservation of the oceans.
With their partner ETIA, then developed a leading-edge technology of high temperature pyrolysis to recover the high calorific value of plastic litter and convert it into an energy-rich synthesised gas (syngas) which can be use to produce electricity.
Source: Fiji Sun
Port Denarau Marina supports Fiji Thundercloud Rumble
Port Denarau Marina is proud to support the Fiji Thundercloud Rumble 2018 with their aim to ‘Surf for Ocean Sustainability’. This support will help us get one step closer to our vision of ensuring the enhancement of Fiji’s maritime tourism industry and protecting our distinct marine environment for future generations.More
Stakeholders Combine To Tackle Future Oil Spills
The Port Denarau Marina in collaboration with Pacific Energy Limited on Friday carried out a marina oil spill exercise in preparation to deal with such incidents.More
Clean Marina Status
PORT Denarau Marina scored a first in the South Pacific by being accredited Level 3 Clean Marina and Fish Friendly status in May this year by Marina Industries Association (MIA).More
Level 3 Clean Marina and Fish Friendly Accreditation
Port Denarau Marina is an International Level 3 Clean Marina and an International Fish Friendly Marina. We were independently audited with the audit being valid through to May 2020.More
Port Denarau Marina Solar Project
Port Denarau Marina has committed to reducing its carbon footprint by developed a new solar installation.
The 122kW photovoltaic (PV) system has a generating capacity of 190,000kWh per year and the installation was finalized on December 20, 2012 at Port Denarau Marina, Fiji.More
Fiji’s Clean Boating Programme
Fiji is a country consisting of over 330 islands scattered across over 140,000 square nautical miles of ocean.
Boating is crucial to both transportation and tourism and continues to increase in popularity, making it vital that boaties understand the potential impact they can have on our unique marine environment, and are environmentally friendly in the way they operate and maintain their vessels.More
Green Geeks
DenarauMarina.com and the Fiji Sailing Forum are proudly hosted on GreenGeeks servers.
GreenGeeks is the tech industry’s leading green energy web hosting provider putting back 3 times into the grid through wind energy that they consume.More