Dredging works at the Denarau waters will begin in three weeks time after the Prime Minister, Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama signed a contract with an Australian-based dredging company, Hall Contracting Limited yesterday.
Commodore Bainimarama visited Port Denarau in Nadi to see developments that needed to be done since the dredging works proposal was outlined in previous discussions.
“The Prime Minister visited the site today so that he can be updated on the dredging of the Denarau waters. This is done so that Port Denarau can now accommodate big cruise ships that visit the country,” Ministry of Works, Transport and Public Utilities, principal economic transport planning officer, Sainiana Radrodro said.
PM OKs Denarau dredging deal
The dredging works has a budget of $3.9 million and will take up to four months to complete.
Mrs Radrodro said upon completion of the dredging works more cruise ships were expected to call into Denarau.
“We have confidence in the company that has been appointed to do the dredging works, the Government has worked with them from before, when they did dredging works in the Nadi River, Navua River and they worked within their time frame, so we are expecting works to be completed in January or February next year,” she said.